- - Saturday, October 10, 2009

So this is an important way to keep writing, ive realized.
im having this really weird craving for crappy sappy romance books and movies. i was watching chasing liberty today....it really made my day. theres something sweet about it.
im probably just on some stupid hormone thing, and will soon crave chocolate mucho like crazy.
My iliotibial band (lol its a tendon that runs from hip to foot, along the side of your leg) is KILLING me. like physically, i cannot run with this pain. it feels like my leg is splintering apart in a billion different places. I'm trying to rest and ice and whatever, because regions is on wednesday, and ive had a completely injurie free season but NOW i have to get this shit? when were almost done? and it actually matters? so fucking shitty, man!
Life is so much about being lucky. people try to pretend otherwise, but situation is at least fifty percent of your accomplishment of whatever. Even something as simple as what family you are born into factors into your luck, and factors into how succesful you will be, or what you will acheive.


At 8:00 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

i just realized i spelled injury injurie. hahahahahahahahaha

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

hahahaha i was just about to point that out!
dude, kamala, that sucks SO much. i hope it heals in time :/
have you seen a doctor about it though? is there anything you can do to speed up the healing process and/or make the pain go away?

and WAIT, what was that? :]
you don't believe in fate?!
hahhh, neither do i. nothing is "meant to be". everything falls into place by sheer chance, being in the right place at the right time. most of the greatest achievements in history consist of largely successful mistakes.


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