- - Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hmm?? haha
this is stuff im sure youve thought about before. i have, but the part that is interesting is the idea of this whole pattern of losing faith in institutions being a driving force of the economic collapse - the lack of this respect for specifically designated tasks, e.g. banks. people with simple lives and pride in what they do are happy and, according to nationalists, the perfect patriots. :)
so i dunno, if you think of it from an exponential standpoint, societies are moving toward anarchism. but its not scary because its not true, at least in the forseeable future.....tchnow what im sayin? haha MWAH
hows being sixteen?
love you!!!!!!!!


At 2:14 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

i mean, it is interesting because if you think about all of the great leaders and revolutionaries of the world...they were just doing their job. succumbing to institutionalist thinking, if you want to put it that way. i recently read an old time magazine article on the hidden struggles and internal doubt of Mother Theresa. isn't that something? Mother Theresa was doing her job. Barack Obama is doing his job. Christopher Columbus, George Washington.
i mean, maybe human nature is a contradiction in and of itself. since the renaissance, we've essentially been progressing towards more and more individualised or anarchist thinking and behavior. which is so ironic when losing faith in institutions is, like you said, more self-destructive than self-serving.
plus, it kind of makes me laugh, because most of the ppl calling out for change nowadays are the anarchists, the "free thinkers". when institution is what has helped to shape ourselves and our own opinions.again, if you think of all the big names in the world who have made a resounding difference, they were just doing what was specified in their job descriptions.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Anna said...

i love you
and the fact that you think!
's a turn-on. ;)

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

wait, are you talking to me or kam? haha

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anna said...

haha, that was for kam...that'd be kinda awkwkard since i don't know you. but you too. :)


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