- - Thursday, January 31, 2008

:(..... i think i either am anemic or have a mild form of mono

ive been tired and lacking in energy...but its a different kind of tiredness, you know what i mean? its kind of the 'im about to pass out/collapse/fall asleep suddenly' tired rather than the exhaustion and deep fatigue thing. and when i try to work out, I CANT. ITS SCARY.

like my last soccer game was last saturday, and i was totally fine and great and dandy. and then, i tried to run on tuesday. it was horrible, there was like no energyn my muscles. i forced myself through 25 minutes. i did that again today. and after i finished i felt like i just wanted to drop down and sleep right there. when i tried on wednesday i simply could not and just didnt run that day.


i dunno

im not depressed. im quite happy and all. its something physical i thiiiiink......

im also yawning a lot lately, which makes me think its anemia

the other symptom of anemia that i exhibit (which is admittedly kind of embarrasing) is the lack of sexual interest........but you know what i mean right? for the past 2-3 weeks its been kinda like that for me.


thanks for taking the time for that


i just have to say......that i hope youre enjoying black swan green

amor para todos

i thinkt that was rather incorrect


At 3:11 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

amor para tu, tambien!!!

anemia...hmm...maybe, but i think that's a little extreme...one of my friends is anemic, so i'll ask her about it. but isn't one of the major symptoms that u have cold hands and feet all the time? is that true?
maybe it's muscle fatigue...try taking it easy for a couple of days. and i doubt it's mono (if it is it's a really mild form) because i think rachie had mono and a) it's like you're sooo weak and deep deep exahustion, you can't even get up to walk around
b) unless you've been making out with some stud or something...lol
c) you'd be out of school already if u had mono...and some people don't even ever recover full from it...idk.
i mean, i kno this is a completely tmi question, but could it be the time of month? some ppl get like incredibly tired and don't have energy for ANYTHING, like you described.
and another reason could be narcolepsy...altho i doubt u have it...like when u randomly fall asleep during the day?
try webMD or something...i just hope it's nothing serious...

but i'm just really pressured/stressed/frustrated right now, altho my new year's resolution was to not stress as much, so i'm kind of in denial about it/chilling about it. idk. lately i've been feeling like i'm everyone's freaking emotional punching bag
"oh, i'm having a bad day, lets take it out on ruthie!" or "i'm insecure about my own problems...so i think i'm going to trash ruthie to make myself feel better!"
and this isn't me being full of it or anything...i haven't really talked to anyone about it so sorry if i seem like i'm ranting here...which i am. bleehh sorryy.
i left u a wonderrrful message on your cellies...did u get it?
haha call me soon...we need to discuss your possible anemia.
i miss you!!!

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the GPS, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://gps-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

what the mess?


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