- - Friday, June 29, 2007

I hate my mother. I absolutely loathe her. That f***ing b*tche's head is full of elephant shit.

I hate what i have to put up with, living with her. Her hobbies include insulting me and yelling at me. Both happen multiple times daily.

Recently she's begun to take out her feelings on me. Even if her feelings of anger have nothing to do with me, she takes it out on me. She said so herself yesterday, after she hit me about five times while screaming abuses at me and pinching me. She tried to pinch my face, but there wasn't enough skin. It was scary, it hurt. Her face was full of pure hatred and violence. I hate that excuse for a human being. She thinks shes brilliant, sh e thinks shes perfect. She really does. Thus of course its perfect for her to take her anger out on me.
Today she hit me and then threatened to strangle me with this awful look on her face....all because i didn't hang something up to dry the right way and it was still wet. I want to kill her. I really don't have any use for that fucking asshole piece of shit of a woman. All she does is berate me and make me feel bad. I really can't put up with this. I just can't. I've thought about running away but thats a stupid idea.... i know that...... and i would scrape up the guts to hit her back or something if it weren't for the fact htat i really want to go on this europe trip, and i am not letting that fuckwhore keep me from doing something amazing like that....and also, my sister needs a mom.....and if i hit my mother she might really leave the house like shes been threatening for years.
she honestly just doesn't give a damn about me. To her, i don't have feelings.

Argh...... its not like shes like this all the time....but recently..........god im just so tired of her. i wish my dad had married a woman with a brain.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

oh my god kam, i am so sorry. i had no idea she was that bad. i am here for you always girl =) and i seriously will adopt you when you get back from europe. no im serious.
i love you!
u r brave and strong :):)

At 10:08 PM, Blogger molly said...

oh my god. have some hugs if you need them. call me or email me whenever you can if you want to talk. ahh, i will totally co-adopt you if you want. im a good parent, i swear. i mean... i didnt mean to drop her.
love you
sorry about whats happening
call me

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

oh jesus, kamsie. i'm really sorry, but i am coming to utah in 8 FUCKING DAYS and i will see u as soon as humanly possible and give ur sorry excuse for a mother a piece of my mind, i swear i will. she shouldn't even call herself an effing mother if she always freaking puts u down, u don't deserve any of her shit, u really don't, and she should just keep her mouth shut cuz she doesn't realize how completely lucky she is to have a daughter like u. u kno what? how bout we trade, u get my parents, who will probably nag ur butt off too, but they're all right, and i'll go to ur mom and see how she feels with me pointing out her faults every other second. (apparently, according to my mom, i'm really good at seeing everybody's faults but my own...teehee). and i'm sorry to be talking shit about ur mom, cuz she's family and all, but i obviously don't have as much self restraint as u do, i woulda given that self-destructive, no good woman a fucking smack a long time ago. sheesh. just thinking about it makes me mad....
have a great day everyone! :D

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

i love you ruthie

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

but really
u should get an award
cuz anyone who can demonstrate such self restraint really deserves it. really.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

yip yip yip yip!
thats my excited cry
is that you sailing off the rooftop in that picture

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Ruthie said...

isn't it schveet???
but i've changed it...
its now the 400 something dollar chanel bag i want...superficial, i kno, but i want it anyway, even if there's no chance of me getting it.
i <3 chanel, there's just something about it that makes u want to be so classy and elegant and poised.

as u may have noticed, i now have an unhealthy obsession with DESIGNERRRRR...:D

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

were u on a trampoline in that pic?
lol in india there was this one channel where they showed fashion shows 24 7 and they actually had some really cute stuff. tho it wasnt chanel. there was dolce and gabana however u spell that and some other ones i dont know about.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

haha yeah i like chanel, vera wang, valentino, dolce and gabbana is ok, BCBG, and DKNY. ahahha.
and nooo i'm not even the one in that pic i just found it on the internet and thought it looked pretty schveet so i set it as my profile pic.
altho it would be fun to do that...:D

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

really? i thot it was u
u should go to a friends house who has a tramp, and you should jump as high as u can and have them take a pic. it would look like u were jumping off the roof :D

im starving
and i eat too much
im oddly excited 4 school to start
i really miss india
and europe
and u

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

aww kamsies i miss u too :(
one more dayyyyyy!!!
i am so psyched i cannot even begin to tell u how psyched i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn, i already have my bags packed and everything. i have maaddd packing skills lol: two weeks worth of stuffs in two small suitcases. i basically packed my entire closet, jewelry, makeup, something for u and mj, bathroom stuffs, shoes, a whole ton of junk mj wants me to bring, pictures, my two yearbooks, and my swimming suits. sweetness, huh??
ZOMG i think i'm going to DIE from the anticipation....AAAAAAHH!!!


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