- - Tuesday, December 04, 2007

okay, like i dont know if something is wrong with me...
but i absolutely positively cannot stand it when people read their work out loud in creative writing class. i get those chills all over my body, the kind that make you want to wriggle out of your own skin because you are so disgusted.
and i honestly think id be fine if the work they were reading wasnt so....ugh. its not that its BAD because some of it could be fantastic if only i were READING it rather than hearing it, but some of their work is so....UGH.
okay so ill explain. in creative writing class, we dont write short stories or creative essays or ANYTHING. we get a prompt each day, and we have to write something profound (ly fucked up) . it can be a poem, yeah. but still, its just so STUPID, because with these prompts, you get a billion kids all forcing them selves to be profound and ending up sounding like whiny, cheesy, disgusting ....crap.
i know im being mean. some of it would be SO much better if only we werent REQUIRED to read out loud eight times a quarter. aka if we read each others work instead of listened to it. like i said before.
i hate reading out loud. i feel like im ruining the whole point of whatever i wrote. i think that you can only get the real voice of the piece if you
a. have it read to you by a very gifted reader
b. read it for yourself.
so yeah...
lol thats my bitch rant for today
anyways.... in memory of mrs. bernritter.
she was truly a person who lived her life to the fullest and loved every moment of life. i dont think she died with any regrets, and thats the way to go.
i shallt call thee ruthie, very very soon. ive just been so busy the whole week. whew. but vry happy. and im sooooo happy that you finally realized how kickass socca is! :D


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

awww :(
i'm really sincerely sorry about your teacher...i know that with deaths and stuff, that's all ppl can really say, is that they're sorry, but i really do genuinely mean it. she sounded awesome.
and like, about the reading thing..
i think maybe a reason why u hate it so much is because the purpose of writing something is to use words and phrases not typically used verbally and to put it down on words. its like painting a picture and then getting up in front of the class to read it or explain it. like, first of all, it's art, ppl are going to take it diff. ways, and secondly, the reason why you're not saying it in words is b/c ur writing it. it just sounds so much more eloquent. plus writing has this like natural rhythm on paper, kind of like a life on its own, and reading it just really murders it.
its kind of like what me and taylor were talking about...like, art is supposed to be this liberal, free, express yourself kinda thing, right? but then they have a class on it teaching you how to do art...doesn't that defeat the purpose? (at least that's what taylor says). i personally think that one or two prompts, while boring and pointless, would actually help you, but one every class and then reading it is not creative writing anymore. if u wanted to be told how and what to write, ud go back to braza's class, end of story. lol. :P

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

yeah exactly . thats why i hate it. its like, not MEANT to be heard, its meant to be read, and interpreted in your own voice and mind.
lol and its true, writing is so much more natural on paper.
like in reality, the art classes....i think its just for you to learn the basics so that later in life you CAN create whatever you want.. its like picking up all the bits and pieces and techniques so that you can put them all together in your own work later on....but with writing, its different, because without our teacher here (were now being taught by a GUITAR teacher) we cant GET those tools. we just write, and read our writing (i dont even tho its required cuz i hate it so much :() and we dont get critique or feedback or lessons...argh.... and its true.. a prompt every class gets so boring. and the prompts suck too. they are all like really profound quotes, and serisouly, were all TEENAGERS, we may be angsty but were not that profound and we havent experienced enough to be profound.
braza had some nice books
i miss her books

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

"i miss her books"
u make me chuckle sometimes...as much as i hated that woman, the books that we read were actually not that bad. and i hate to admit it, but writing down all the "interesting words/phrases" for every damn book actually has helped...
idk, i think if they're making u do all those prompts, u at least have to have a critique so u can see how others interpret ur writing and how u could improve, otherwise there's really no point. it's a creative writing class, i mean COME ON. u need to be doing something productive to improve ur writing.
personally, as much as i love writing, i don't think i could do it. all that writing would give me writer's block. it's like the more u do, the more pointless and stupid it gets. as ironic as that is...
idk, lately, i've been feeling that my writing is just soo...ugh. like, its very bland. i have good vocabulary and description and stuff, but it's not charmingly simple. i don't like it at all, it's not like that type of writing that sticks with u after uve read it. there's no emotion, just a bunch of pretty words strung together. anyone can do that, just grab a thesaurus.


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