- - Sunday, October 14, 2007

I don't know if just not trying is going to get me anywhere
Just not caring, it would be, because i guess i dont really try.
What matters to me... is that you noticed me. Despite being the object of every affection, I still stood out.
At least a little.

You weren't like everybody else. You weren't charming. You weren't out there. You weren't drop-dead gorgeous. You weren't open.
It was interesting.
Loving you is like loving myself. And its easier trapped in a beautiful body.
It's easier knowing that people like us aren't trapped inside all the time.
It's easier knowing that you know what i mean.
It's like feeling yourself in a mirror.
It's like watching you react.
It's the little twitch of your lip that never happens
The little falter in your gaze that never was
I see someone so old inside you...that doesn't know how to get out.
I see someone afraid to feel
I see someone who can feel... but doesn't let go
I see someone afraid to love
I see someone shudder with pleasure every time he's touched
I see someone's dry wit shine through the emotions on the surface
I see someone so fragile he has to pretend he doesn't care
And i feel myself
And that's different.
At least a little.

I can let my lower organs tingle
And my stomach roll acidly
I can let my eyes roam your stoic exterior
And my soul your glass-like heart
I can let your very essence blend with mine
And glow with every glance that falls lazily my way like a dead autumn leaf
Tapping gently against my bare core, a ripped piece of life
And stirring me down to there.
I can let auras and thoughts and paranoia engulf me, gently, like the soft breeze in your hair, ruffle, cool, wash over me gently
I can dream of kisses and cold hands on warm bodies
I can watch you make eyes at that beautiful blonde.
I can hope like I've never seen a boy before
I can hope like the stars that squeeze through the dark clouds
I can fall, like the petals that go unseen.
And lay at your feet in a soft pink carpet
To warm the tips of your toes
To the tip of your nose
To feel better about everything I ever was
To hope every laugh that escapes my lips
Exists for nothing more
Than to brighten your eyes.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

omg kamsie
thats so beautiful.
like, u kno how u were talking about the gardener and how simplistic and elegant it was?
that's how your poem is.
it makes u feel that nervous excitement but also makes u feel sorrowful, and calm at the same time.
i srsly think thats one of the best poems i've ever read, or at least the one that's made me feel so strongly about it...:)
it gave me warm fuzzies inside...like, in a way, i feel like i'm on the other side of a glass, just looking it at a glimpse of your feelings, but in another way, i feel like i can relate to it. i mean, i think in a way, everyone can, so it's unique not only to you, but to everyone else who reads it too.
reading that just made my day..

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

awwwww thanks
i think reading his poems sorta rubbed off
i dunno. i was feeling a lot when i wrote this, so it just kinda came out.
i still thinks this pome is weird
its touchy feely

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

well i'm basically pissed off
...retarded ppl...


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