- - Friday, October 05, 2007

the reasons im having second thoughts about soccer have nothing to do with the sport itself
i love soccer
so it pisses me off that people have to be like this
but honestly, i CANNOT talk to them. i just cant. they are the kind of people i just DONT open up around.
i mean when i was 10-12 we got along fine
but then everyone started feeling the need to become popular

a. You have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to look down on someone because they arent popular

b. You have NO RIGHT to poke fun at someone because they are quiet

c. You have NO RIGHT to talk about someone behind their back

d. You have NO RIGHT to treat someone like shit just because they are "below you" even though they talk to you and try to be your friend


yeah im still going to play
i totally wont quit what i love for them
but im not doing the tournament in st george because its no fun when you dont get along with anyone. u have no one to hang with

oh and one more thing

you all tell me im quiet.
i never NOTICED


At 8:10 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

aww kamsie...
u are NOT quiet. like, for real. FO RIZZLE...hahaha...no, srsly, ur one of the AWESOMEST SCHMEXXXXXIEST LOVERLY LOVABLE PERSON IMAGINABLE EVER CREATED. and don't let anyone tell u anything else. or i might just have to kick their ass in my high heeled stiletto hooker heels. :) (haha, thats what silvie calls them...my hooker heels...heehee)
u shouldn't let what other ppl say get in the way of what u want to do, and if they have some sort of problem, they just really need to get over themselves cuz honestly, i don't think anyone wants to hear about it. damn bastards.
like, u are so great at soccer and u need to go for it, cuz in actuality, its about YOU and ur love for soccer, not THEM and their sick, twisted, stereotypical backstabbing bitch problems. :)
its like what we were talking about on the phone. some ppl just reach their peak in high school and for the rest of their lives they're just unhappy and unsatisfied and wondering where they went wrong. and i just KNOW ur going to be one of those really inspiring, successful women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who are just so happy where they are in life and don't even look a day over twenty. i just know it, kamsie, just wait and see. so if anybody's bothering u, esp. any popular freak, just keep that in mind, k?

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

thank youuuu
i understand what your saying, but dont you think that in a team sport bonding and at least talking are kind of essential?
it does take the fun out of being on a team
thats why im considering doing cross country next fall instead of soccer
just considering
i dnno like id never listen to what they say but being on their soccer team forces me to be with them like 7 hours a week
and then theres the fact that my parents wont drive me to far games so im forced to get a ride with a girl who doesnt even like me

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

and like the ppl on cross country are my kind of ppl you know. theyre the kind of ppl that i am naturally friends with
its weird that theyre categorized between sports like that but i guess it happens cuz the popular bitch soccer girls pull even more of their popular bitch friends onto the team.

like yknow if i had at least one friend doing soccer with me next fall, id love it so much more
but eh whatever im already signed up to play spring so i think ill make my decision based off of that

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

well i get what ur saying
like for swim team, there's going to be a bunch of popular sophomore girls on there, and i'm kinda hesitant to be on it with them, right? but i was like w/e and i think i've convinced two of my friends to do it with me, so its all good.
but u don't have ANYONE on the team that could potentially be friends?? not all of them can be that bad...
i think what ur doing, with the whole basing ur decision off of spring thing, is probably the best way to go, and just be professional about it. like, u don't have to clone yourself to fit in with them, but just ignore any rude comments and be polite about things, even if they ARE bitches. and keep your spirits up, eventually, if they see you for the awesome, happy, vibrant person u are, they won't have anything bad to say. :)

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

well i really do want to try and get someone i like to join the team with me
but ya ill just base it off the spring
and about what you said - they arent all awful people, but around their friends thats what they become. like theres a girl named maddie, and she and i were really good friends last year, but now that all her soccer bitch friends have come shes not that nice anymore, and shes really exclusive. yknow, on their own most girls are okay, but with their friends they change.
well i hope u have a kickass time on swim team. when r tryouts

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

the informational meetings like on wed. or somefink...i'll have to check with my math teacher, who's the coach.
must learn how to dive....o.o
i haven't swam in forever tho, thats what i'm worried about. :(

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

our math teacher is the coach too
except not now cuz he has stomach cancer
cancer is so scary
lol youll be fine. swimming is a muscle memory sport

(i think)

At 5:20 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

heck yes i'm amazing.
lol :P
anyway, i completely totally whole-heartedly effing agree. damn straight.
and bad news for meee...there are actually going to be tryouts this year for swim team. which is really bad cos i haven't swam in three freaking years and when i DID swim, i sucked. like, my times weren't all that hot. we're starting "pre-season conditioning" next thursday. which basically means that we're going to be running a gajillion laps. which basically means i'm going to die.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

anna - THANKS lol how did you find that tight latin frase? youre just cool like that? reinstate your blog! PLEEEEEZE?

ruthie - hey you know that even just like 5 days of some running will prepare you for that?
:D cuz i dont actually want you to die, just so you know
but i KNOW youll rock it cuz ull be all ripped from pre-season conditioning
*flying kiss*

anna i mailed you a letter

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

somehow i doubt i'll be in shape, i didn't run this morning *guilty look*
but i'm prob. going to get up tmrw morning and sunday morning to run to make up for it...
gaaah we had our first FCC meeting, and like 20 ppl showed up to help, it was CHAOTIC. and really frustrating, but i'm really happy cuz we got a lot done, and even tho it took FOREVER to start, cuz ppls had their ipods and cells out and weren't listening, it was all good.
we are going to OWN the senior's asses.
lol :P
oh shoot
i had ANOTHER dream AGAIN last night. gaaaaaaAAAaaaaAAAAhhhhhh o.o

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

lol freshmen owning seniors
thatll be great
i hope it happens
by FCC is that like the student gov? ur makin the floats?
get your ass out there and RUN girl RUN :P:P

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Ruthie said...

we're making a float for the homecoming parade, each grade is doing it. yeah, its like the student gov. and then all the clubs are doing it, too, so it'll be cool.
another one.
it was kinda different this time tho...i can barely even remember what it was about...
how do i make them stoooppp....o.o


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