- - Sunday, December 30, 2007

cllliiiiiiiimb evvvvvery mouuuuuntain
waaaaaade evvvvvery streeeeeeeeam
so ya i just finished watching the sound of music. tear its so very beautiful. i adore that movie. and the songs are cute and simple and not overly sappy.
julie andrews used to be very very pretty

yeah so mister mike fuckabee (honestly, really bad last name to have).....if he by way of some miracle happens to become president........im leaving the effin country.

we caught mike huuuuuckabee
with his dick uppppp a bee
and then we asssked the man
"So, now, mike, what's your plan?
Will there be a marriage ban?

What are your thoughts on the

and in other news
whats our world a comin to. apparently today in salt lake city there were TWO stabbings. in good clean little salt lake city!

and ahhhh
okay benazir bhutto.
so truthfully, the reason im kind of into this conflict is because my parents grew up in India, the neighbor and constant clash-wither of Pakistan. My mom and dad pretty much grew up with benazir bhutto. figuratively
but yeah. its terrible. we were on the cruise when we got the news....we turned on the tv and the first thing we heard was "benazir bhutto has been assasinated"
my dad moans "OHHH my GOOOOOOD"
its really sad. she was pakistans hope for reform, for relief from musharraf's military dictatorship....she was going to bring democracy to the country again! and democracy alone had the power to stop the way extreme islamism was controlling everyone's lives.
its....so sad. the elections are coming up, and with no one yet chosen to run in her place.....and then again, who will vote for anyone from her party other than her? they dont really know the other people, i think. she had something like a 64 percent approval rate in pakistan, with musharraf at only 46. and then she had to go and get herself killed.
well in reality thats kind of what she did. shes an incredibly courageous woman, everyone knows that. but there is a line between courage and stupidity. you can't save the country if your dead, and its not noble to get yourself killed if you could have saved the country. thats why i really hate the way that society over-glorifies courage. if given a choice, fuckin save yourself..... i mean, when she returned to pakistan something like a month ago and hundreds of people were killed in a bomb that was aimed at her, i was suprised that everyone wasnt pissed off at her. In this situation though, i do think it was totally necessary..... i mean, she had to return....first step towards reform.
but she KNEW that people wanted to kill her.
*sigh* i dont really know. im not trying to blame her....but still....we lost a great woman.
and apparently she had previously written that if anyhting happened to her, it was musharrafs fault, because he hadnt provided her with adequate security.
maybe........ the guys definetly scared now.....
hopefully her hubbie knows a little something about politics.

aight so new years resolutions.......
1. science project
2. raise money for new york Model United Nations nationals in march
3. stop procrastinating
4. eat healthier. more veggies.
5.wear my rubber bands.... i have to get these things off someday....:(
6. relax, have fun, forget my stupid motha.

the cruise was tight. we played tons of ping pong....which i must say i am getting real good at ..... i can beat my dad now!
and we ate TONS of DELICIOUS food.
i mustve gained 20 pounds or so.
we even played shuffleboard......
ooh one of the stops was ensenada, mexico, and i actually used my spanish in the flea market, to buy a starfish! you have no idea how exciting it was! haha
so you gonna do anything special for new years?
when r u coming back?
amor y paz en la tierra!


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

i celebrated new year's on a red eye flight from sfo to washington dc. on united airlines...which, if i haven't mentioned already, i am never flying again. they lost one of our luggages (with a coach purse my cousin gave me in it!!), the flights got canceled at the last minute so we had to change times, then there was trouble with seating and letting us on the plane, then the stupid stewardess lady on the flight from taiwan skipped me about 3 times, and their seats are hard, cramped, and there's no legroom.
as stupid and spoiled and whiney as i sound right now, i would actually pay extra money in the future just to ensure i wouldn't be on a united flight.
moving on...
she got assassinated?? oh wow...i think pakistan really has one of two choices from now on...they find another suitable proficient leader with an agenda to better the country. or, it becomes a political vaccuum, with no actual person good enough to run, a semi-satisfactory person is elected, pakistan makes no progress. realistically speaking...i think the second one is most likely to happen. where is her administration? close advisors?? something??!?!if you're going to be a revolutionizing, great leader, u need to at least have a backup plan. i mean, is there a backup plan right now??
and it's technically not her fault she got assassinated. honestly, every political person is at a risk to be killed, and they know that when they take on the responsibility. occupational hazard. and i'm not an awful person for describing assassination as an occupational hazard, it's just that it's kind of common knowledge. so what i'm trying to say is that yes, she is no good dead, but is it her fault she got herself killed? maybe, maybe not.
and what u said about she can't save the country if she's dead...it reminded me a quote from somewhere...i think it's anais nin. "to die for an idea is to set a rather high price on conjecture"
i mean, sometimes it's the principle of the thing, like, reveal your secret whereabouts/rat out a colleague/whatever cheesy stuff they show on TV or die.
but, of course, you're no good to anyone and you obviously can't do anything if ur deceased.
but i mean, if you had a choice between being noble and dying for your cause and actually fulfilling your cause, which would you choose?? i bet if u sat her down at a table and said "here are your two options, now choose", i srsly don't think she would have been "oh yes, i want to be assassinated."

idk. i kind of have mixed feelings on the matter...which u probably can already tell because none of the stuff i've said makes any sense...
yes, she should have been smarter. no, it's not her fault that she wasn't. no, she didn't ask to be killed but she was anyways.
i think what ppl should really be focusing on is the replacement. she's dead. as sad as that is, it would be fruitless to bemoan the death while you could be using that time to finish what she started.
that's my rant for today. :)

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

lol im sorry bout ur new years.....united does suck. on our flight back from london it was just as crammed and the food was crap....when i usually actually love plane food!haha
yeah,so benazir bhutto named her son to be the next leader of her political party in her will...thats about the only backup plan they have right now....but her husband is taking over until her son finishes college.
sucky ish plan though...like people are a lot less likely to vote for her hubbie.
yeah, i dunno... like i agree, political ppl are always at a risk, its an occupational hazard yeah...but its just, the last time she returned to pakistan she barely barely BARELY escaped a bomb aimed at her car....and then when she was assasinated, it was just kind of uneccessary, because she was in a bulletproof vehicle, but then she stood up and poked her head out of the skylight to wave to people, and got shot in the head.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

wow. lol
idk, it just seems like she's what they needed and then she's dead, so no one knows what's going to happen...it's the perfect opportunity for something bad to happen.
but maybe i'm just being pessimistic.
did i tell u that
a) me and blake have decided to quit soccer...and before you kill me, we're doing a soccer camp or workshop over the summer and trying out again sophomore year...
b)the spring musical is the sound of music and i might do it? i'm still a bit iffy on whether i am or not b.c idk how it's going to work with my sched and i heard from some ppls the drama teacher's not all that great..but w/e.
u srsly need to get on/email/call me/whatever.
thank god it's friday!!!

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

btw--have u seen the movie crash? it won 2004's best picture award or whatever..
and i really want to see the new movie juno!!
"your eggo is preggo!" hahahahaaa

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