- - Friday, June 13, 2008

Shoot boy
Even premium potatoes from the premium land of soviet russia cannot save me now.
I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it
I just got back from a week long astronomy camp in Arizona, and it was completely AMAZING. Like no joke, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I watched a comet literally move through the sky, through long-resolution pictures from the CCD camera attached to the twelve-inch telescope. At three in the morning, I watched Jupiter's moon Io disappear behind Jupiter's shadow. I looked at orbital patterns, i saw the sombrero galazy, i asked questions about our glorious sun, i learned tons of things. I watched the constellations turn with the sky and the international space station pass glowing pink
and i watched Tristan, the counselor.
not again
like honestly i really REALLY really REALLY REALLY REALLY don't care if I'm spending time with a hot older guy. Of course it's an added benefit, and I'm not saying it's unpleasant, you know...Your average hot older guy is fun, but no big deal.
I hate it that he was flirting with me though. I mean, WHY?
this is SO stupid and i am so tired of getting incredibly infatuated and thrilled and flirty and adrenaline-rushed over guys that I'm never going to have anyways.
He is twenty-one years old and admittedly very cute, but there was another even cuter counselor fitting this description, and i had no problems with HIM.
Admittedly I tried to flirt (notice the word tried....HAHAHAHAA I MEAN as far as i know, though ruthie says I'm wrong, I am pretty much incapable of flirting!!!:P) with him just a little, just like all the other giggly teenage girls up there. He dealt with it in a perfectly respectable manner, innocently ignoring and dispelling all passes except for those from his fellow (ENGAGED) counselor.
Now, i know Tristan teases everyone from time to time, and he is very well-liked, and girls think he's cute, so I definitely did just think he was naturally flirty and kind of tried to pass it off. But it didn't work, because after a while, he wasn't flirting with my friends, just me. Ass
He teased me pretty much every waking moment, He'd make goofy eyes at me, he made me a cup of tea at Kitt Peak Observatory, he found me funny, I guess he found me cute, in some weirdass way and i know he was watching me fool around with the other counselors. But i HATE it. I mean, any and everybody would like to be noticed by a cute, likeable guy, right? I'll say i tried to get noticed a little too, but he could have just not taken it that far
it really hurt.
ill get over it lol i mean other than him my life is totally amazing, right? I have to find out about soccer tryouts, and kick ass at them. Before soccer conditioning i have to run every morning. I'm going to try to take german at the U, because were going to Germany again for a week this summer. (AIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHHTTTT!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH YAY) I am getting my wisdom teeth removed next wednesday :O
I have to hang out a lot, do my summer reading, and find either a job or a volunteer position. This summer is going to be so awesome
I think i kind of like hormones...they're kind of like a drug. Like, I've gotten thirteen hours of sleep over the past three days because of all of our observing, but I didn't crash once. I crashed today, though, right as I boarded the plane in Tucson. I was completely BAWLING for nooooo reason when my dad picked me up from the airport after i landed in SLC.
mm hahah
So yeah I hope everyone is enjoying their first week of summer. Post
I am such a dork
Twenty meters, straight up G
Thats how long my telescope is


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

hahaha woow. sounds like you had an exciting time, although astronomy doesn't really interest me, personally. i laughed at the part where you said i think you know how to flirt. probably cuz you've tried putting some moves on me, too. HAHAHAHAA jk jk.
weeell, on the whole tristan thing, i think it's cool he was interested, although kind of creepy because shouldn't he be flirting with someone his own age? anyway, we all have our little infatuations here and there. tristan, el consejero guapo, is no exception. yeh girl. get itttt. hahaha. give it a few weeks, and it'll wear off. i mean, he'll still be cute, but...idk. i know the feeling tho.
and i get what you mean about the bawling part too...after i left slc last summer i was close to bawling...which is saying a lot for me because i don't really cry over goodbyes. it's kind of like you want it to keep going so you can make more memories, but at the same time you know it has to end. sad but true.
other than that, i have a loooverly story to tell you about something that happened on the last day of school (for me). you'll probably get a chuckle out of it. hahahaha.

At 12:52 AM, Blogger Anna said...

did i mention you are my favorite person in the world??


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