- - Friday, June 20, 2008

My father is so hypocritical! It's pretty hilarious.
Like, some European dude draws prophet Mohammed, the Islamic community gets explosively pissy, and my dad laughs his ass off at them. However, it is NOT funny, not funny at all, in fact it is extremely VULGAR, when an Indian man makes a version of the Ramayana (called the Kemayana....creative :P) where Seeta stays with the demon, refusing to be rescued by Rama. That would, in fact, be one of the funniest things.....like ever! Funnnier, in any case, than a group of muslim extremists burning an American flag.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

well what can i say, there are hypocritical people everywhere.
also i've noticed that people seem to actually care more when it's something that hits closer to home, if you know what i mean.
hope everything is great in UT!
call me!!


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