- - Sunday, August 23, 2009

super hot showers are niiiiice :) esp. cuz i have this really weird nerve pain in my neck...bleh.
yesterday we ran 8 miles....definitely the longest ive ever run was 5, with soccer. it took tons of will power to keep moving, especially going uphill.. my muscles went numb about halfway through, which was helpful :D:D. anyway the captains planned the run to end at jamba juice and we were all psyched...then we got there and jamba juice was closed!! hahahahahahaha
since i cant comment you yet ill do it here. aree you missing caleb yet? :P how was your first day of class too?!!?!
today i am driving my family to the mayan for dinner, and then we are going to the temple for some festival. were going to look funny in the mayan in our garb. lol i better not see some douchebag from school. fucking school.
im a better driver without my dad lecturing me, or my mom in the backseat acting like were all about to die at any moment.
i would be looking at my html book if i werent finding better things to do (ermm....watching house and gilmore girls and....harry potter...not reading c and p which i need to finish in two days...)
lol jk...ill try.


At 4:35 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

baahhhh 8 miles?! i can't even run one! lord. you are insane.
haha ohhmygod the mayan..i haven't been since like the fifth grade. gawrsh.
so i reaally like the new template, minus the whole no comments thing. which is annoying. maybe i'll look into another one...MAYBE.
hah, you slacker. doesn't your school start tmrw?
speaking of school, my class was great. it's in a huge classroom, because there's like 100 people. and we're doing readings centered around the theme "technotopia" which is about utopia and dystopia and how that plays into technology, media, etc. very interesting. it's largely discussion based, i think, which is good. people actually have intelligent input, unlike high school, where everyone thinks on the same level as a rock. we watched this documentary about the recording industry. schveeeet. the class is almost 3 hours, long, though, and the building is like a fucking freezer. i was shivering the whole time. not a plus.
there's also a deeply (DEEPLY) attractive fellow in my class :] more on him later.
i slept on the floor again last night.


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