- Life-Changing Books - Friday, July 31, 2009

i saw this as a note on someones facebook, but wanted to put it up here because then its more personal. its a really cool idea:
make a list of books that changed your life, w/ a brief explanation. you should totally do it, cuz i want to see your list of life-changing books!

1. Black Swan Green - David Mitchell
It's obviously firstly my favorite book, but its an amazing piece of work, and a unique writing style. mitchell conveys emotion flawlessly. it is the only book that has really made me cry

2. Ghostwritten - David Mitchell
Also good, not as good as Black Swan though. It is impressive because Mitchell is an amazing historical fiction writer, and because the changes of setting and voice are flawless and beautiful. also the idea behind the whole book is creepy but good.

3. The Diary of A Girl - Anne Frank
So sweet and relatable. She was a great writer, and even in hiding she made her life sweet and worthwhile. touching as shit too.:'(

4. A Mango Shaped Space - dont know who the author is
You told me to read it, and i loved it. Synesthesia is a really interesting disease, and ive been thinking about it for all these years after I read it.

5. Zoo Station - about Berlin during World War 2, written from the point of view of a journalist. Amazing.

6. Memoirs of a Geisha - better than the movie. a really deep exploration of human emotion, and how people stand up to hardships and face blows. great historical fiction, and really beautiful and moving

7. Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
The roughest, edgiest book I've ever read.

8. Pride and Prejudice- Austen
Rich, beautiful, awesome writing, and classic plot

9. Wuthering Heights - Bronte
woot! confusing, but good plot. one of those love stories where you are totally rooting rooting rooting for the ppl to get around each others faults and hook up

10. A Ring of Endless Light - Madeleine L'Engle
You remember this book right? so beautiful

11. Arm of the Starfish - L'Engle
My first exposure to a novel of scientific and political contreversey

12. The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
I dont know how much of it is true, but its a book that has stayed with me from the day i read it

13. Whirligig - Paul Fleischman
I read this book when i was young, so i don't know how it will resonate to read it now. it is a mature subject to be reading about in youth, but it scared me and was thought-provoking when i read it years ago. an interesting story about atonement, and mortality.

14. The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy
It's a good read as in its well written and a page turner, but i dont like it because it is a bible of overdone, fabricated sadness. still, its imagery, descriptions, and haunting events have stayed with me since the seventh grade, when i first read it. it is a book that has changed my life

15. Second Form at St. Clares - Enid Blyton
aside from being a really fun read, an awesome boarding school story, it infused me with aspects of character judgement that i had never before considered. blyton, despite having written a while ago, has clear psychological insight that she reveals cleanly in childrens books

16. the Harry Potter Series
have changed many lives

17. A Raisin in the Sun - Lorraine Hansberry
Historically significant, and really moving.

18. Indigo Rose - Susan Beth Miller
This book is literally painful to read. its hard to reread, because i dont really want to deal with that emotional hurting any old time hehe. but its such an insight. miller is amazing at portraying the feeling of loss. so sad. god. wow. but you should read it.

19. I NEED YOUR HELP WITH THIS ONE. there is an amazing, an absolutely amazing book i read when i was younger and i cant for the life of me figure out its title. ive googled it and searched in library catalogues, etc. its about the holocaust, one girls grandmother's story through the holocaust that she unearths somehow. the girl is a journalist. the story intertwines with the story of sleeping beauty. i completely cant remember the title. have you read/heard of it?

you shoulld do this list of your life changing books, cuz i really want to see your book!
love ya!


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

ahhhh noooo i haven't read or heard of that one! i wanna read it tho.
i feel like my book list will be ten times more juvenile than yours...you read sophisticated classics. i read random YA fiction.
harry potter: has changed many lives. ahahah niiice.
indigo rose sounds excellent. and YES i do remember a ring of endless light! i must go back to revisit that one... i remember that poem in the book, the one the title is based off of? LOVED it.

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

pshawhawhawhaw i do not read sophisticated books unless i am deliberately pursuing them for some reason. usually i just pull waht looks interesting off the YA shelves too!! And second form at st. clares is a childrens book meant for 10 yr olds or so :).
omg you should read indigo rose. i think you would really like it...even tho its so painful
omg...i want to reread arm of starfish and ring of endless light again too! that was one romance story that i really liked. Adam = the perfect dude :D


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