- - Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I hate school. I HATE school, and i really don't want to go back. like i dont know if its because i ate too much captain crunch for breakfast, but just thinking about going back to school makes me want to vomit.
1. most classes are full of douche bags and the minority are people you like or your friends
2. school is full of jackasses
3. school is full of heirarchy
4. girls soccer as a rule hates cross country
5. my seniors from last year graduated and im really sad...i looked back at my yearbook entries and felt very empty and very sick.
6. the food....well i mean the healthiest option that actually is EDIBLE is pizza (theyve upgraded from 5abuck to dominoes :O) and tis not exactly healthy on a daily basis. also i always either forget lunch money or forget/dont have time to pack a lunch, so ive become quite a mooch after four years in west
7. the reason im so dreading going back is....ive already been here four years, im supposed to have graduated
8. the cliques, the posers, the people who have nothing better to do than cause drama and talk behind peoples backs
9. the loads of homework that i am not going to give a shit about....like give me three weeks tops and i will stop trying
10. except not really because anything less than an A- equals punishment, yells, and worse from my parents
11. the "inbred" swapping daters
12. the "inbred" swapping daters who think i need a boyfriend
13. my parents bitching about extra curriculars cutting into homework time
14. the racist against asians physics teacher?
16. p.s. i tried your list format hehe :) tis quite effective.


At 7:42 AM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

oh yeah, and more friends are moving away this year....ugh.. and the cross country coach gets pissed at people who dont come to practices until school starts (he still lets them join but..gets pissed) and im going to have to be one of those people because i have to babysit my sister EVERY MORNING FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS? WHAT THE FUCK?! my father is technically ON SABATICAL, he PROMISED that he would use this less busy year to do family shit and now hes talking about how much my shit cuts into his work time, like seriously he doesnt need to be at work at 8 or something every morning

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Ruthie said...

ahhh i was going to say, you're doing lists now! bahh. i mean, i get what you're saying. freshman and soph year have basically been about doing marginally good work. and now with ib we're actually going to have to push ourselves to even meet that level. and i get all the catty people. and the part about severely hating them. but seriously, it's like that at every high school. i've just stopped caring about it. i surround myself with relatively low-maintenance people. only insecure people have the energy to get caught up in that shit anymore. really. i'm not going to have time for that, and neither are you. reality check: it's junior year. people are bitches. we hate them. they probably hate us. grow up already.
i know everything's going to be just a huge ball of stress (hehe..balls) but remember two things:
1. I DON'T BELIEVE IN FATE!! ahaha and
2. only two more years. why not make the most of it.


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