- - Friday, August 07, 2009

Today is my sister's last day of summer camp. A few weeks ago, i heard her talking to my parents about some girl who didn't let her play in her 'club'....you know how little kids do that. so i went over to go talk to her about that, and i heard her and my parents sounding really agitated about it so i asked what exactly the girl had said to kajal. Kajal said "She told me i couldn't be in her club, because no brown kids are allowed." Obviously, i was like "WHAT??" i flipped a bitch right there and my parents actually had the gall to say "what, its just a little kid thing, whatever, dont make such a big thing of it, its just what little kids here do." It reminds me of the movie The Namesake, which is about an immigrant Bengali family...one day they come home from vacation and their mailbox has been graffitied with 'gangrene'...i dont know how exactly that is a cultural or racial insult, but the kids in the family knew it was and told their parents and their parents responded with 'What? that's just some kids having fun!'.
It makes me so angrry that my parents' only serious effort to fully assimilate is to....lay down before racial insults? Absolutely ridiculous
So i kept talking to Kajal about how that was just not acceptable, and the next time the little bitch said something like that to her she had to tell her counselors about it....This had happened TWICE already, and my parents knew about it, and sat on their fat asses failing to do anything but vocally object to the fact that 'im turning into such a lazy good for nothing typical American teenager' because i hang out too much. Anyway, when i tried to tell Kajal that stuff in front of them, they yelled at me. so i took her aside into my room, and told her to tell her counselors the next time it happened. then i told her she was beautiful, and everyone is completely equal yadda yadda and i told her the next time that little bitch (Chloe is her name) said something like that to her she should tell ME, so that i can go push her sorry little bitch ass off the monkey bars and then yell at her posh, retarded, two-hundred and fifty dollars a week-paying rowland hall summer camp mother. i HATE bitchy little girls.

In other news the cousin that i thought was gay is getting married....hehe. when we went to india over spring break, his mom was talking to me about arranging a marriage for him, so im really glad he beat them to it! She's Bengali, and i hope she's cool because he's handsome, and so smart. He just finished his phD in microbiology and is trying to get a visa to the U.S. I think its really cool because hes been obsessed with animals ever since he was like three years old. he was one of those little kids who could name the exact specie of every living thing around him, especially the weird ones.


At 1:22 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

ohmygod..i can't believe that little girl said that! my reaction was the exact same. like i seriously blurted out "WHAT?!!!" ahah. i mean, seriously though, little kids live in a completely different world than we do, and they are nonjudgmental and very accepting of things by nature. where did she learn to say something like that?! racial slurs are taught; they aren't visceral. i am appalled. appalled. a) that your parents would shrug it off as something that's okay. the whole "kids will be kids" applies to the whole "you can't be in my club" thing, NOT "you can't be in my club because you have brown skin."
and b) kajal herself will learn to brush it off as something that's acceptable.
that is just sick. i'm sorry, but comments like that, especially from little kids (she must have picked it up somewhere), shouldn't be tolerated. that's just hateful.
i'm glad you pulled kajal aside, though. the fact that this isn't just an isolated incident is...bothersome. bahh.


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