- - Monday, February 28, 2011

Eric, I miss being your best friend... I miss you.
This sucks.

- - Thursday, February 17, 2011

Christ, this math is SO boring! Like, who even decided I needed to learn series, anyway? This homework is so goddamn tedious. Why can't she strategically choose problems?
I'm pretty bored....and miserably failing at this school thing.
Textsfromlastnight is good. Urban dictionary helps, too.

Senioritis: Senioritis is a disease that affects all high school seniors. For most people it starts in the second semester of the senior year. Symptoms for the disease include: Unsafe sex, many beer bongs, getting arrested, showing up to school extremely high, drawing a five foot penis on the chalkboard, and telling you teacher she looks like an old crack whore. The only way to get over this disease is to walk the stage at graduation, or punch your principal in the cock.

A.K.A. International Baccalaureate - A malicious program aimed at the unnaturally brighter population in an attempt to overload their brains, thus reducing them to vegetables without lives. However, a true IB student will respond by adapting and bsing their way through.
IB, therefore I BS.

IB - Teaching students how to turn shit into gold!

Yesterday on a bit of a whim I went with Maddie to volunteer at the humane society, walking puppies (SO GODDAMN CUTE, MADE MY DAY). Today, went back with Molly and Peter to cuddle baby puppies and play with cats.
I've quit NHS, but I I'm going to get a steady volunteer position at the humane society. Because them little animals are daaamn cute.

- - Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I kind of feel bad because I've been really distant with Tori recently. But she's been getting on my nerves... Its expected because by now I know her really well. But just...I feel like I can't call her out on the things that irk me, because she's not the kind of person who really ever gets called out. She's too simple, genuine, and down-to-earth to warrant criticism from people who don't know her as deeply as i do.
But right now, I dunno... her over-sappiness is getting on my nerves. Her taking advantage of me is, too - its my car, not our car, you don't get to use it every time you forget your homework. And yesterday, she even asked me if she could take it to go drive somewhere pretty with Avonte and Johnathan, promising me a full tank "somewhere in the future". No. No. no.
And yes, you are a fantastic dancer and I love watching you; but stop talking about it! It's just over-discussed and annoying; not that she brags, just that she over-mashes her schedules into me and all...its like, I never talk about myself or my daily activities in that much depth, because it's not in my nature, and I am aware, unlike her, that it bores the fuck out of people after an extent. I like that everything's on the surface with her, but she has no tact whatsoever and it is really fucking annoying the majority of the time.
Then that whole blatant flirting with eric thing; not cool. Right now I'm trying to fall out of love with him and jealousy is the last thing I need. Just because you are thoroughly incompetent in relations with boys and people you're into doesn't mean you get to snatch up the easiest person for you to talk to and bat your eyes at him. She's literally using the same flirting tricks I used to get him and other guys; the same exact teasing jibes, eye tricks, facial expressions. she's been watching and learning, which I'd be proud of if she applied them to other people; but my very latest guy? No fucking way.
Stop trying to get me to sluff. Stop telling me I work too hard. And work on your tact, because its really fucking flattering when you call me and say "sooo, I'm calling because I'm bored because I have to wait 30 minutes until dance"; I actually do have a life and things to do, and I don't exist to entertain or assuage you when you have nothing better to do.
Don't expect me to hang out with you every time we have an overlapping free period (every. other. fucking. day). I like being alone sometimes. And after a while we, like anyone, run out of things to talk about and you dig up random weird shit that I don't want to talk about.
How do i tell you all this? Because I don't want to have you act weird toward me; I know if i tell you any of this you will completely pull away, and that I can't handle, love you too much.

- - Monday, February 07, 2011

tired tired tired tired
Been busy, but also the last four or five days I've been suffering from this horrible, inexplicable insomnia. I'll lay there for hours upon hours before I drift off into nightmares, and then wake up and am unable to fall asleep again.
Lack of sleep is making me look ...damaged...and chalky, so then my skin has weird undertones that make me look greenish!
Asked Eric to the v-day dance, which is this saturday. Our group is full of beautiful boys and great friends; I'm pretty sure it will be a blast. At the moment its the only exciting beacon hovering anywhere in the periphery of my life.
What I realized is not that friends have become mundane but that they have become this vital, expected part of my life, to the point that I have a painful codependency on many of em.
More running these days. I've realized that, while I am forced indoors onto the treadmill at least (snow and inversion) the radio is a good motivator; funny ads are distracting, as are the anticipation of the unknown next song and the kick I get when a good one comes on.
I dunno what it's going to be like to make it through this second semester. I've realized I like the good things in life; good food, long walks, running, studying history, math, reading, relaxing with friends, watching movies with my sister; more than other more constructive activities, like getting a job or running spring track. I had about a one week meltdown where I decided my life was falling apart because of my rapidly crumbling motivation (my Korean friend who's way too motivated for her own good didn't help my case much, saying that 'it wasn't too late for me to get my shit together').
I mean, yeah, my procrastination has effectively bitten me in the ass (WuStL withdrew my application because I was too late in sending my ACT/SAT scores....there goes a wasted application fee. :( ..) But by no means is my life falling apart. I'm happy with what I've got. I'm blessed. I work hard where it matters and where I love it. I've chosen my goals and some way or the other I'll scrounge up some motivation to get it done.
Right now it's precarious, because I'm thoroughly unmotivated. Attending school is effectively me working the system to its edges, through every loophole, to the point that I sluffed at least one class every day of last week. But I apply myself in history and in math, which are my only legitimate classes right now. In English, I find that the literary analyses that I bullshit on the spot are far higher quality than most of the other nonsense the other kids who hate reading come up with. I love what we've been reading this year, but the teacher is a jooooke. She tries, but she just doesn't tell me anything I don't already know. Sparknotes is my BFFL.
I miss you


I need sleep, coffee, and a run.


Let people into your life :)


Just kidding


I just want a minute to sit and break down About ...
Hey Hunter, I was just thinking about the really...
Dear Hunter, It's been hard talking about you, s...
For Hunter
I'm so wired right now. I'm not sure I can handle...
These blankets
Fuck tha police? Really?
Coffee through your veins like a mirage of pumpin...
Few things bring satisfaction quite like Hard wor...
This is a suburban dream; Painted in dripping sun...


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