- - Monday, December 29, 2014

Hey Hunter,

I was just thinking about the really hot guy who played Elmo. I still have no idea how you found out he's gay. You gays have this funny obsession with finding out (and really impressive ability to) find out when someone's gay. Like, it cracks me up that earlier this semester you got an OKCupid account just to be able to tell if this guy in some class of yours was gay or not. y'all are hilarious. But I don't know if you noticed how excited I got when you mentioned that you'd put yourself as bi on your okCupid account :). I was like, nevermind he's shopping around, he's admitted he has some liking for girls and I FINALLY have a chance with this beautiful boy!

Let's see. I'm still working on a City Year app for Americorps, but I'm having a hard time writing for it because it's hard to dig deep right now. When I dig a little, I get to you. I love you, but it hurts like a bitch right now.

Oh yeah, I think I'm going to let Tori dye my hair over break. I remember you and your bleached hair; you're such a free spirit, always were, but that bleach was an ugg color on you, that's all. But I know you'd support my decison; especially if you saw Tori's hair. It looks so cool; she dyed like just the underside portion of her hair so it looks more red when she wears it up, otherwise it's subtle and really pretty. I dunno how it'll look with the texture of my hair as compared to hers, but I'm excited, I wanna try it anyway. I just wish you could see it, that's all. I was gonna straighten it, too.

I keep thinking of all these things I want to do with you. I want to get a box of wine and some mason jars and drink while we listen to music and make art together; it would be so fun; we could paint, we could sculpt playdough, we could cut out stencils and then get spray paint and graffiti them all over campus. Just pretty little things; not political statements or anything. I'm so anxious and insecure that we never DID fun things like this; why didn't we? We would have been the perfect pair to do this kind of thing together. We always talked about making drunk art together, I guess school and extracurriculars and work and stress got in the way. We could have done it at beach week, though.

Let's see what else... This morning I watched the entirety of your extreme home makeover. Your tears of joy were so cute; so were all your little-Hunter mannerisms. It is pretty plain that you've grown into a more assertive, handsome young man; but you were cute as a button and you were confident nonetheless. I could tell you spoke from your heart. I also loved your massive smile and especially how proud of yourself you looked when you did a front flip into the pool in Cali. Montel Williams is a hottie; why didn't you ever tell me that? And also, that cast member who kept grabbing your mom's hand and who she had carry her in; she TOTALLY had a little crush on him. Did you, too? That's what I wanted to ask cuz boyyy, he was hot as shit :) And the tandem bike, oh the tandem bike. Kajal got a great kick out of that story and she just laughed and; oh I loved how Hunter it was that you seemed to be the most excited about your new toaster and you sounded so solemn and intelligent talking about how you'd gotten 'all new appliances'.

You're a beautiful, sweet kid. That's all that I can think of when I'm talking about you now to all these people who have already heard me rave about you a bunch; about how much we click, how great our conversations are, how much I love talking to you, how much we laugh when we are together; how you could always lighten my mood and relieve my tension. They also got to hear me talk about the massive crush I've had on you since, like, when I met you. That I tried several times to convince you wasn't a thing, but I just couldn't prevent myself from acting on. Sorry I'm not sorry. :)

Love you Hunter.

- Kam


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