- - Sunday, January 16, 2011

So, I'm retarded and completely disorganized and definitely missed the scholarship application deadline for all of Washington University's Merit-Based Scholarships.
But, looking back on my highschool life, a lot of said scholarships wanted me to discuss all the amazing community service work I have engaged in; which I really haven't. Last year, I did a couple solid months regularly volunteering at the Neighborhood House, and I did a few scattered NHS hours here and there, but that's about it. And I quit NHS this year, for all intents and purposes, because it feels like such a load of bullshit.

I enjoy volunteering; don't get me wrong. It just seems that one thing or another always gets in the way of me ever really committing to a project; usually a sport, lotsa schoolwork, sometimes a guy (pathetique). As of now, I (STILL) don't have my car and, not to be a total douche or whatever, but it's much too late for any of what I might do to count towards college admissions or scholarships.
To be honest, I only know one or two people who genuinely volunteer because it's just part of their nature; because they're just really warm-hearted and generous inherently.
In happier news, AJ and I kicked so much ass at BYU MUN yesterday. And Victor and I certainly weren't the first MUN presidents to disappoint; we brought home our rightful glass plaque, and even an additional country award for our not-stacked country. I am so proud of our little MUN noob babies. Yesterday was brilliant. AJ and I had some pretty rich conversations in committee down-time, and i even began to succeed in convincing him not to go to BYU next year (he is mormon, but rather cool and open-minded..as such I don't want him to be completely brainwashed).
I'm also getting rather concerned because another sophomore (an MUN baby) has been hitting on me like fucking crazy. So blatantly that I'm getting comments from everyone around me, including Ms. Nick. He kind of almost kissed me yesterday. I don't know if my cougar reputation has made itself known or something, but it's a hard place to be because a) the kid in question is uber pretty b) Eric doesn't want an official girlfriend, while I do feel like I'm ready for that step c) I could potentially be a whoribble person and play one off the other and coerce something to materialize, but I wont! of course not!
Pure frustrated speculation, that's all....
I definitely want a job. And if I am going to run that half-marathon with Mimi in April, I really should start diligently training. I've had weird restless intermittent motivation which compells me to run on the treadmill a couple times a week, but I'm more deterred because running on the treadmill is BORING and the air quality currently sucks so badly that I can't feasibly run outside (THANKS INVERSION).
I might get to ski more this year because now that my sister is at Bonneville, she'll be going up every friday; and every other friday will be a red day, where I will have an extra free period come next semester, so I might accompany my dad up there (he like...volunteered to chaperone the ski trips or something) to ski with her once in a while.
Tonight, we are planning to order takeout and watch the entirety of the Golden Globes.
I love attractive people in pretty designer clothing; at least on TV, twice a year.


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