- - Thursday, December 30, 2010

The funny ginger tow truck driver and i became best friends on our ride up to Craig's shop. He was hilarious, so carefree. He told me I was awesome for being chill about it. I told him the whole story, about how I'd lied that I was going to the library and instead went and got Eric, and he laughed so raucously and thought I was great fun...'huntin boys' when i shouldn't even have been driving. He told me about all the crazy things he's done with cars; rolled two, jumped a snowbank, parked one while drunk, in the fog, on the front lawn of the office building on 5th south and state, drag raced with vodka and frequent chinese fire-drills, with a topless girl and a "jacuzzi" (water) in the back of his car. Gotten pulled over and acted like a smartass each time.
I told him how i had had it all completely under control until I called my dad; he immediately yelled at me, and then i started crying. He asked about damage before he asked if I was hurt. Literally.
But the tow truck guy made me feel much better. And at the end of the ride, he literally saved my ass in front of my dad. I got out of the tow truck, my dad started yelling at me, and he immediately cut in, saying "You have an amazing little girl. She hit some black ice up there and lost control. She's only been driving for one year, 17 years old, and she handled that skid amazingly well. She could have driven off the cliff on the other side, and given the circumstances it went so much better than it could have. You should be proud of her."
(It wasn't black ice, as far as I can remember... but it was a lot of icy snow. I over-corrected, but if i had corrected my over-correction, I would have tumbled over the cliff into city creek canyon.)

"Hey, next time, you don't drive to him [Eric]; youre the woman, make him come down to you, and of course he will say okay! He has to."
I said "Thank you for that, for telling my dad that"
"I had to step in - when I saw him startin to yell at you like that. And you know, what I said about you was true."
I smiled
"I was trained, not raised. Five sisters"
Friends make the world go around. Even though when i came home, all my mother had to say to me was "You go here and there to see your friends, but are they going to take care of you when you skid and wreck your car? What use are those friends now?"
I couldnt tell her of this amazing, ironic example. But she will never know, because friendship is something crazy bitchwhores can't quite attain.
I never asked his name...:(


At 8:45 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

ohhh my god holy shit are you okay? are you hurt? jesus, kamala. and i thought i was a bad driver...just kidding, i (still) am.
it's okay, my parents flipped a shit too when i got in my accident. it'll be a (somewhat) valuable life experience someday.
so far, i've hit a mailbox and other vehicles. and, a few hours ago, i hit a giant christmas tree that somebody left in the middle of the road (dumbasses..). so all in all, you're wonderful and amazing and any trouble you could possibly get in is pretty negligible in the long run :) and the tow truck guy sounds awesome...i love coincidences like that.
today was...odd. my history teacher's wife gave birth to their baby! and trav popped into newspaper...there's a story behind this (there always is). but long story short he reeeeally (reallyreally) wanted me to go to a new years party with him but i didn't and ugh. it was a fun weekend all in all, but he still wants something, i can tell. and i have to see him tomorrow in history too. this is ridiculous.
how are you and baby eric?
i hope you're okay :/ call soon.
love you miss you.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

Trav??? I need das deets girl!!!!
No, I wasn't hurt...it's a bit of a mess as far as my parents refusing to let me pay because 'it is an insult that I am trying to assert my independence in such a way'... Ugh... i don't know.
Eric... it's sweet and awesome and fun and great whenever we do get to snatch time with each other, but the problem is I have NO classes with him and no car and were both really busy after school...so I never get to see him :(. Ive seriously resorted to stalking him between classes so we can snatch minutes in the hall, and on tuesday I sat in his sophomore chem class for half an hour just to get to talk to him, til the teacher kicked me out..
and it's not eating me away but he always makes me really happy so it's at least disheartening...idk
I am still a little weird on some of the aspects of being with him. He's such a baby, and rather isolated in a weird way (like i think i have evolved to be pretty codependent on my friends, and on a guy only more so, but he gets a lot of familial support so he's a lot less so...)
Idk, we will see how it pans out, I suppose.

Well I need to hear about everything that is going on!!!!!!!omgah.. did you do something with trav?
Hope you had an awesome New years. Love you


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