- Snowwww - Sunday, January 09, 2011

I get my baby back on Monday Night!
I'm so happy. It was really rather shitty not having my car this past week...how did I ever manage before her?
I am going to treat her with so much more respect now. Like, reverence when I sit behind the wheel, because now I know how much it sucks to crash into things.
I went stir-crazy this weekend, but I managed to make it nice. Watched dark knight for the first time yesterday, with tori. Went on a walk through the woods with Molly today; it has snowed and the world is so beautiful right now. Wowwwwzzza
Unaccustomed Earth is addictive, so I re-devoured it in two days; but it def left me depressed. Beautifully written and rather heavy in tone.
Tomorrow, we submit our extended essays (yikes). Whatever, I haven't changed it from the first draft, but a pass is all I'm aiming for as of now.
Craving butternut squash soup.
New loves: lay me down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnuEOYK1Kps
Red red wine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXt56MB-3vc


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