- daybreak eyes - Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I walk the line
In your daybreak eyes
For whom you ponder
For whom I surmise

Like leave-lets thrown
To a soggy wind
I follow your thoughts
I trace your whims.

To dance, in visions
Starry and gray
To fall through the aeons
And land in your day

I follow paths worn
Dull, and bland
To stray, to a ledge
To catch your hand

And where I wander,
May I stray
Into your eyes,
Into your day

Catching raindrops
On my thighs
I amble, softly
Through your sunset eyes.

- - Monday, October 19, 2009

holy shit, i have so much to do. i should NOT be here right now.
recently, ive been hanging out during my free period instead of doing homework (which i REALLY NEED TO BE DOING.) and after all i will only have the free period the first semester.
this morning, i had a long, deep, discussion in my ap psych class, instead of doing hw. (we had a sub)
so im
up the butt.
the funny thing is, instead of doing my homework, i sleep. like, i go to sleep at 10 or 1030 almost without fail, and if theres homework impeding, i just do it haphazardly or not at all.
im apparently screwed for the math test tomorrow. my friends who took it told me what to study to do better than they did.
but did i study it?
no, i did not.
life is so much more fun when you dont have to do homework
:P jk.
its funny, i really like doing my ap physics hw. its fun. the problems are challenging, and if you stay at it long enough you get htem
math, however, is a rote, waste of time, piece of shit of a class this year.
so i sit there and fool around in his class. hes such a nice guy he doesnt care. i make noise, and me and peter dont shut up. last class, i literally blackmailed the teacher to give me chocolate from his stash
im so bored of school, but lifes reasonably okay.
eh reasonably.
i cant wait until halloween, when i can just get really truly smashed. its the only true relaxation it is
im just kidding about that though....well, partially. cuz it IS a really good escape, but you know, i sound like an alcoholic when i say its the only escape, plus its not and i most definitely am not.
i really
ruheeelellelly need to call you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont know who your boy is!!!!!!!!!!(?)

- - Saturday, October 10, 2009

So this is an important way to keep writing, ive realized.
im having this really weird craving for crappy sappy romance books and movies. i was watching chasing liberty today....it really made my day. theres something sweet about it.
im probably just on some stupid hormone thing, and will soon crave chocolate mucho like crazy.
My iliotibial band (lol its a tendon that runs from hip to foot, along the side of your leg) is KILLING me. like physically, i cannot run with this pain. it feels like my leg is splintering apart in a billion different places. I'm trying to rest and ice and whatever, because regions is on wednesday, and ive had a completely injurie free season but NOW i have to get this shit? when were almost done? and it actually matters? so fucking shitty, man!
Life is so much about being lucky. people try to pretend otherwise, but situation is at least fifty percent of your accomplishment of whatever. Even something as simple as what family you are born into factors into your luck, and factors into how succesful you will be, or what you will acheive.


I need sleep, coffee, and a run.


Let people into your life :)


Just kidding


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