- Jitters - Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A buzz in my head
Like butterflies and gnats
Ricocheting blindly off my skull walls.
With no light to swarm around,
They are quite, quite lost.
Silk worms spin dizzy
Webs of words
Spiders tap tortuous,
Skittering tempos.
Everything's a little twisted
In its confines
But they've started to get along a bit better
At the very least.
Maybe i just ate too much sugar. I feel hyper caffeinated, but haven't had any today.
Played asian doubles ping pong today. Its kind of intense.
It hurts a little bit less every day (both my head and my toe). I'm proud of how happy I am. I only have two more days, and I'm pretty sure I can do it. Pulling through is a satisfying feeling. It's all we need, because too much of life is half-assed.

- With me in mind... - Tuesday, June 08, 2010

'There's a difference between having a routine and having an agenda'

Summer starts with a swooping sense of giddy freedom, friendship, and potential, but...soon follows the potential of routine? especially with what I'm doing this summer. eh.
It doesn't help that two of my best friends are going to be gone the whole summer... but i shouldn't be complaining, Molly has it worse. She's the one going to a new place.
You have it worse...your best friend is moving for good.

2010 mix :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNzrwh2Z2hQ

- It's the last week of school - Thursday, June 03, 2010

I'd feel stupid spitting out everything in my heart, but right now i really just need to clear my mind and nurse my wounds.
1. I'm really, really not trying to sound full of myself here, but sometimes my empathy overpowers me. like, i feel like im feeling what people around me are feeling twice as strongly as they themselves are.
2. I let my grades go to the dogs this last quarter.
3. I'm going to cry like a bitch baby when my seniors graduate.
4. Even though I don't want to, and try to tell people that I don't...I care too much what some people think...
5. I hate not understanding shit.
6. I hope he's not putting up a front just for me. It would break my heart.
7. The drama in everyone's lives these last two weeks has been unbearable. It seems like everyone's been scrambling toward their interpersonal goals all of a sudden, because they realized there are a lot of people they're not going to see anymore after this week. I'm guilty of it, but some of my friends are going overboard.
8. I haven't slept. It's making the stress unbearable.
9. I can do it. I just need to turn off my distractions, and focus on studying for the SAT IIs.


I need sleep, coffee, and a run.


Let people into your life :)


Just kidding


I just want a minute to sit and break down About ...
Hey Hunter, I was just thinking about the really...
Dear Hunter, It's been hard talking about you, s...
For Hunter
I'm so wired right now. I'm not sure I can handle...
These blankets
Fuck tha police? Really?
Coffee through your veins like a mirage of pumpin...
Few things bring satisfaction quite like Hard wor...
This is a suburban dream; Painted in dripping sun...


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