- Wise Words - Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"The strength of women is the pretense of weakness, and the weakness of men is the pretense of strength"

- - Monday, June 27, 2005

After more than 40 years, 13 pioneering women pilots are getting their due.

The women, known as the Mercury 13, were honored last night at a ceremony in Chicago. They trained rigorously in the late 1950s to be the first American in space. Then NASA and Congress cut the program. Nevermind that the women had logged more flight hours and were physiologically better-qualified than the seven men who were "really" competing. These women had the right stuff, and NASA told them to go home.

The result? The Soviets really beat us on this front, sending a woman into space by 1963. Americans had to wait another two decades for Sally Ride.

Maybe some of you had more inclusive U.S. history classes than I did, but this was the first I'd heard of the Mercury 13. I plan to check out this 2003 book, because I obviously didn't get the full story from Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff."

- THis was not written by me, It is a post written by someone named Ann at a really cool blog site. but i totally support her message.

- AHHHHHH!!!!!! - Sunday, June 26, 2005

I am shocked
And I am angry. Explosively angry. Okay do you know what my FATHER just said? He said "I hate the war in Iraq over there, and I feel especially bad for the women fighting over there who find it so much harder to cope with the hardships than men do. Women just weren't built to fight." AND I EXPLODED AT HIM, DUH. I debated with him, gave him a zillion examples of women that were stronger than men, including myself, and then he just kept repeating some stupid worthless point and....UGH... I mean, on the titanic more women survived than men. And the movie Titanic , which was illustrating a real situation, the woman was stronger than her fiance and thus survived the frigid water. I AM SO DAMN MAD AT MY FATHER!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM FOR THIS!!!!!!! Women can do anything that men can do! Maybe they would have to work out a little longer and harder than men to be able join the army, but they are just as strong, smart, and tough during battle situations. DAD I CAN NOT BELEIVE YOU!!!! YOU ARE LIKE THE LARGEST EXAMPLE OF SEXISM IN THE U.S.! AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

- WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!! or something.......... - Friday, June 24, 2005

I have been biking to soccer practice for the last two weeks. I feel so good about myself.

Moral of story : If you live within a mile and a half of a place that you want to travel to, don't go in a car - walk, ride a bike or a scooter or something.

Save the planet that is rapidly crumbling due to global warming ! By the way you had better know what planet that is....okay that was stupid.

- I AM HELPLESS! SO HELP ME! - Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Okay guys I have been trying forever to add you to my link list , but it's not working!! Please tell me how to edit the link list cause the stupid blogger explanation doesn't make any sense!!

P.S. - This is directed to Froggie/Ahem Grace, Rochwen, Yellow Ducky, and Sauron's kid.....i am sad that i cannot add Gray Bean and Carrittop also, but they didn't want to be on people's link lists... oh also, I want to add the link for your environment group's site...

- Help the world for free! - Sunday, June 19, 2005

Hello again! Posted below is a link that you can use to go to an animal rescue site. Click the purple button that says feed an animal , and then scroll down to help other good causes. Clicking these buttons builds support for these good causes. News channels use this support to air shows on t.v. that describe the situations of the needy causes and ask people to donate money to the organizations that aid these causes. The last time that i clicked these buttons I found out the following info. :
on April 23rd alone, the amount of times
people pressed the buttons helped provide 50,948 bowls of animal food,
starving kids got food, 923.2 children got their own free book (i don't
about the .2 thing, how can their be .2 of a child) 568,792 square feet
endangered land was turned in to a sanctuary, 3.2 mammograms were
funded, and 859.6 unhealthy children were given medicine. isn't that
and all you have to do is press a button.

So all you people out there, don't be selfish! click on the link below and help out the world! click the buttons every day from now on, and you will become a world hero for free, and for one minute of your time.


- MUhahahahaha - yet another useless post :) :) - Monday, June 13, 2005

by the way don't you think it is so much cooler when girls fight than when boys fight? boys will swear at each other for a couple seconds and then immediately start to beat each other up. girls however are very creative with their fighting. they will pull pranks, spread rumors, use extremely sarcastic ( usually not dirty) language, gossip about you etc...use every possible way to get back at you. Honestly i am tired of seeing boys in my school punch each other. They should use their brains before they decide to use their puny little fists.

hehehehehe....so do you think that because i am supposedly trying to open the eyes of americans with my blog i should encourage peace and discourage fighting? arrrgh. how about i say it's ok to fight as long as u don't kill people. (yeah, war is not ok. don't join the army)

- Boredom - Friday, June 10, 2005

Hello.. So... how'z your summer going so far?? I'm already bored. BOOO HOOOO.. more posts are a comin soon.


He is fine.

Well, I see how stupid what i just wrote was. will post more later

- Kasey Keller = Hottie! - Thursday, June 09, 2005

The image “http://www.derby.org/jeff/england/keller.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The image “http://www.sat1.de/images/sport/fussball/bundesliga/feed/4/4/1/5/2/44152_200.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “http://www.millwall-history.co.uk/KaseyKeller.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

these are only a couple pics of Kasey Keller, but don't you agree with me? He is Hott!

- My Views on Obesity - Tuesday, June 07, 2005

okay so you know how scientists say that obesity is often genetically caused? well, i would like to know how these "genes" only decided to kick in about 7 years ago.. Before that time the number of obese people in the U.S. was MUCH lower than it is now. Genes don't just suddenly appear somewhere, so this obesity problem definetly has something to do with the ever-present fast food restauraunt. Someone should claim to have found a severred finger in their big mac. It would decrease America's obesity rate by at least 30-40% and may even decrease the amount of animal consumption happening here. (guyz don't call me a hypocrite i am almost a vegetarian! I have restricted myself to eating meat only on saturdays, and that too very small servings of chicken...but i shall soon become full veg) yeah, so like i said i don't beleive the whole genetics thing. But yes, i do think that obesity isn't fully a person's own fault. I think that George Bush should take the blame for the majority of obese people in the U.S.. People will usually resort to eating at fast food restauraunts because the food is cheap, they could not afford to eat at any other more expensive place, and did not have enough time or energy to cook their own meal . The reason that they cannot afford or cook better food is because they work a strenuos job for minimum wage. And more than half of these people have the potential to hold a better, higher-paying job. but because of bush who entered an unneccessary war, ruined our economy and decreased the number of jobs in the U.S., these citizens are forced to sit there working their butts off for five bucks an hour. Republicans, are you still happy you voted for bush.? Beware, because someday someone is gonna get so frustrated with him that they 're going to assasinate him.


I need sleep, coffee, and a run.


Let people into your life :)


Just kidding


I just want a minute to sit and break down About ...
Hey Hunter, I was just thinking about the really...
Dear Hunter, It's been hard talking about you, s...
For Hunter
I'm so wired right now. I'm not sure I can handle...
These blankets
Fuck tha police? Really?
Coffee through your veins like a mirage of pumpin...
Few things bring satisfaction quite like Hard wor...
This is a suburban dream; Painted in dripping sun...


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