- MUhahahahaha - yet another useless post :) :) - Monday, June 13, 2005

by the way don't you think it is so much cooler when girls fight than when boys fight? boys will swear at each other for a couple seconds and then immediately start to beat each other up. girls however are very creative with their fighting. they will pull pranks, spread rumors, use extremely sarcastic ( usually not dirty) language, gossip about you etc...use every possible way to get back at you. Honestly i am tired of seeing boys in my school punch each other. They should use their brains before they decide to use their puny little fists.

hehehehehe....so do you think that because i am supposedly trying to open the eyes of americans with my blog i should encourage peace and discourage fighting? arrrgh. how about i say it's ok to fight as long as u don't kill people. (yeah, war is not ok. don't join the army)


At 7:09 AM, Blogger tay said...

lol, girl. =) = P

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

airborne infintry 101, division 506th. band of brothers. read their story and find out that in a world of war, you can find peace, love, and long, everlasting friends. don't read this if you are faint of heart, however, it does not spare the details. guarnere, toye, webster, winters, nixon, pincallis, percantes, compton, powers, speares, heffron, and more...i love and respect you guys. i only wish that one day, i might be somewhat like you. you are my heroes.

you can mock war and hate it, but please do not blame the heroes. they fought to save their fellow soldiers/brothers(and yes)/sisters.

"we few, we happy few. we band of brothers"-henry IV, shakespeare. during the saint crispins day speach before the battle at anjou, france.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

errr..... okay, lemme say that first of all i will read their story, thanx. second, i wanna say that many of the women and men that enlisted in the army now regret it. third of all, i personally do not consider killing others as honorable. just look at the people that were able to fight with love not hate, words not actions - Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks...and they were more successful than the soldiers that are unneccessarily killing innoccent folk over in Iraq. No, i do not consider being a soldier as being honorable . and neither would i fully aknowledge them as heroes. in what way are they saving their family and country by killing people?? iraq also had absolutely nothing to do with the terrorists that wreaked havoc in America, so it is as though we are brandishing a double edged sword against ourselves . i would like to say also that i do consider soldiers as heroes when they: 1. risk their life to save another (or show such an act of extreme bravery). 2. quit their position as a soldier because they beleive that wars should be fought only with words and peaceful actions. if all the U.S. soldiers that fight in war were to fight with love and were to fight peacefully,become peace activists and also work for good causes, just imagine the number of innoccent lives that would be spared, and the amount of love and peace that would be spread around the world. instead of killing the people in Iraq, we could be caring for the ailing and starving people in Africa, or trying to help the environment a bit. come on people, if humans are really "the smartest animals on earth" then why are we acting so stupid, and overall barbaric??!!!!!!!

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

ambulances!!! wow, that must have been bad.

At 5:54 AM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

oh my gosh!! you sound just like me!! i hate this stupid war in iraq!! there is no point to it! and ghandi! he was one of the most awsome and brilliant people!! i think that war sounds honorable in books, particularly lord of the rings... but not in real life. but when i get really upset about war i just think of it as population control, something the human race can really use....

your joyful maiden of horses

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

oh.... would you mind if i added you to my links??

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

naw it's fine if you added me. hey and i want to add al u guyz to my link list, but i don't know how to edit my link list.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

yeah, population control... you know what, your last comment just gave me inspiration for another post. cya!

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

lol, there's always a good side to everything... he he he


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