- Yo - Friday, May 27, 2005

So, just a little update on my life:
Soccer season is over, we didn't have a winning season, but nevertheless it was awesome.
Only one more week of school left......finally. the torture shall end. This schoolyear has had to be the worst year of my life. I despise my teacher, the principal, and half the kids in my grade, and the school food is nauseating. Junior HIgh is going to be pure PARADISE. Sigh.

In the past i have proven to be slightly lacking on the self discipline when it comes down to projects. I do finish school projects, because those are things that I MUST do, but when i begin projects of my own, things usually don't work out....In other words, I hardly ever finish those projects. But this summer I plan to write mysteries - who dun its. I like to write, and who dun its are purely captivating to me, as a reader. So if anybody finds me on the couch this summer instead of writing, kick my butt and get me moving....or i shall blame YOU for yet another failed project of mine!!
So........ Ah yes, I have a very important issue that I would like to adress, concerning the world and sexism. Have you ever noticed that for the past 10 years or so, people have begun to treat women as glamorous objects? Commercials always advertise women that want perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect figures..... they hardly ever show high-acheiving women that are smart, bold, and succesful. Instead, they choose to show tiny, stick-thin girls flouncing around in skimpy outfits. And since everyone now days views these commercials, girls get it drilled into their heads that they have to be just like those tiny empty-headed women on t.v.. America has created a prototype of the"perfect woman", and thus many women now strive to be that person. They take education as a second priority, while their appearance and appeal move into first. They load on the make-up and flimsy outfits and leave behind the strong, capable woman that they could have been. Today and forevermore, I would like to take a stand against the all people and organizations that lower smart, strong women to cute little barbie dolls. Girls and women are your future society leaders - engineers, writers, lawyers, PRESIDENTS - many occupations that help the world immensly. If you choose to lower their social status and decrease their chances of attaining their true desired goals in life, you are hurting the whole entire WORLD!!

And a message to all those girls out there:
You are just as good as - if not better than- those boys at anything and everything you do! So take a stand against sexual discrimination. Don't wear tight pants if you don't want to. Don't wear incredibly microscopic attire if you don't want to. Become the person that you really want to be! Work hard, and acheive your goals in life! LET'S SHOW THE WORLD SOME GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!

- - Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hey folks!
So I'm guessing at least a third of the class knows that I adore Leonardo Dicaprio. Well if you don't visit my site, you are missing out on some "juicy news". Whoever is on my site now knows. So part of the reason I like Leonardo is that he is quite good-looking. But the major reason is that he is totally supportive of the environment, and the things that he has done to save the environment are just AMAZING!!! And as a special tribute to my good friend Ellie.. yes leo is a vegetarian. He was recently elected into Greenpeace, one of the world's largest environmentalist organizations. I just wish more celebrities would use their fame and riches to support good causes like Leo does. Well I gotta go stare at more pictures of leo dicaprio! lolololololol
Peace out
-Queen of the Field


I need sleep, coffee, and a run.


Let people into your life :)


Just kidding


I just want a minute to sit and break down About ...
Hey Hunter, I was just thinking about the really...
Dear Hunter, It's been hard talking about you, s...
For Hunter
I'm so wired right now. I'm not sure I can handle...
These blankets
Fuck tha police? Really?
Coffee through your veins like a mirage of pumpin...
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This is a suburban dream; Painted in dripping sun...


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