- - Monday, October 03, 2011

This is the week from hell, but I'm knocking it out one day at a time...trying not to let it get to me.
Had my first midterm today. Astrophysics. It felt easier than it should have, excepting the purely conceptual questions (ok dude, I clearly remember a student asking if there would be any conceptual questions on the test and you saying no. wtf?)
Tomorrow I have neuro and then I have to spend the time before my next class (two and a half hour history seminar, nbd) doing the reading for said class.
I LOVE my neuroscience class. (the subject in general, really). Kind of a longer term goal for me regarding this course is doing well enough that I might possibly get into my professor's lab.
He even does research on the coolest fucking neurotransmitter there is. Yeah I'm talkin bout you, serotonin.
(Ok, the week is getting to me a little bit)
This is kind of my relaxation moment though. My science-intensive course load this semester does not necessitate any legitimate writing...so I'm trying to keep doing it in my spare time.
Definitely anticipating a second semester with some more history, philosophy, and literature classes.
But I really am happy with the classes I chose this semester, even though the workload is a bit overwhelming.
Once I get past the hell that will be Wednesday, I'm basically done giving a shit for the week; and then my unit of G is coming Friday night :)
I do feel a little weird that he'll be coming here when no one else will be on campus, but it should be insanely relaxing and sweet in those respects. Some of my closer friends will be staying, in any case. People legitimately waiting to meet him (do I really talk about him that much? I never realized how big a part of me he had become until I left)
No pun intended ;)
I dunno when you'll next come by here, my busy little biddy, but I miss you Ruthie girl! And now that I live in your gd state we better be seeing each other more often.


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