- - Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is someone gonna come knock on my door and say 'hey, kid, it's time for you to grow up!'?
This life is like a dream. Endless and sweet and completely unreal. I pinch myself and the sun is still setting, blinding, shooting veins of color into the giant, dark rain cloud encompassing it. I pinch myself and I'm still smoking hookah with my best friends of... six years; the longest I've had from the switching schools bs when i was younger. I pinch myself and I'm watching G watch a movie with, to steal a line from miss Hurston, self-crushing love. I pinch myself and this awesome Ruthie girl I met in sixth grade is going to be my best friend for the rest of my life; God set this shit down in stone for us ;)
My summer reading list:
1. Genome - finished. Awesome (nonfic)
2. White Teeth, by Zadie Smith - finished. You should definitely read it. Not very plot focused, more character focused, but awesome writing.
3. Fight Club - finished
4. Dune - started
5. Galileo's Daughter
6. Papillon
7. A clockwork orange
8. The Dodo
9. Jazz
10. poetry..... (you should definitely make some suggestions)
11. Desert solitaire


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

this made me smile! you better take some writing courses at uva, otherwise imma beat yo dumb ass. love it.
the captain's verses by pablo neruda
running in the family by michael ondaatje
i wanna read jonathan safran foer soo bad and apparently he's married to nicole krauss who wrote the history of love?! GAH.
i have such an extensive reading list and i haven't even started half of it.
read jazz first, though. you'll love it.
mish you
ps HP7 in TWO DAYS fuck yeah haterzz


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