- Fuck tha police? Really? - Wednesday, August 20, 2014


It got me thinking.... you know how noncompliance with an officer can in and of itself be cause for arrest? Is this measure fair or even necessary in order to uphold the law? Should we even need to submit so completely to police officers? Is it necessary for them to be able to command such subservience, merely in order for them to carry out their jobs properly?

Everything I have been taught up until this point says yes, but now I am finally thinking about these ideas again. I am not sure. I know that I think that being a police officer is a job, and they, too, have families that they need to go home to at night. So if they're getting threatened or charged at by someone carrying a weapon, I wouldn't at all deny them the right to protect themselves. However, when is using a handgun necessary in this sort of self-defense? Can't they just mace or taze their attackers? Does asking that question demonstrate my profound ignorance when it comes to weapons?

They need some level of unadulterated obedience in certain situations where timing is everything. People need to pull over when they're told to pull over, stay still when they're told to stay still. Sometimes that second between a police officer hesitating and a noncooperative person pulling a gun can be the second between their life and their death. But on some fundamental level, yes, we are showing that the government values the lives of its authorities; aka the police, over those of its citizens; in that situation, over the life of the perpetrator carrying the weapon. Because officers are taught to shoot if there is the slightest hint of their own life being in danger, rather than automatically giving the citizen the benefit of the doubt.

I'm not sure where the line lies here between discretion and authority. On some basic level, I think that the police need to change the way that they handle and respond to crime just so that they can boost Americans' quickly dwindling confidence in the police. If a nation's police force does not command its citizens trust, if not their respect, then it cannot be an effective institution. So perhaps at this point it is just a matter of the police creating enough good PR and community rapport, but what is happening right now in Ferguson is only evidence of the direction other cities could potentially go if citizens stopped trusting the cops and tried to take the law into their own hands. Anarchy and looting accompany days of protesting that are government-free in vision and idea only; as at the very same time emergency rule and curfew are declared and the National Guard is called in. Police acting in self-defense are certainly not always morally in the wrong, but every time they do so they risk losing the trust of the communities they serve; and they need to handle these matters with extreme sensitivity after the fact. This was clearly not what happened in the case of Ferguson and Mike Brown.

At the same time, I remain befuddled when I see posts like this:

 'There is an implication here that informs the entirety of Dutta's argument, which is that cops never are the aggressors in situations, and instead only operate from a place of reaction. A really bad time to make this argument would be right this very second, when every night America gets to watch Missouri policemen shoot endless canisters of tear gas at peaceful crowds of protestors and journalists.' 

Ok, obviously not all cops act from a 'place of reaction', some of them are aggressors, but it's obviously the vast minority of cops who are aggressors, or we would live in a different sort of nation entirely. I think it's worth at this point comparing the police force in the U.S. to that in other, often lesser-developed countries, where police corruption and brutality are the norm rather than the exception. This is not to say that I'd like to make excuses for the U.S. police when they may act corrupt or brutal themselves. Rather, I think that these differences indicate how our systems of checks and balances and largely trustworthy, well-meaning police force are evident, how they indicate that most of our cops indeed do NOT act from a place of aggression. 

And secondly, the crowds of protestors, while largely peaceful, certainly have had moments and elements of violence. Some protestors have been throwing molotov cocktails, others have been taking advantage of the general disarray to loot stores. Citizens lives and property are being endangered by these violent actions; citizens who are themselves taking to the street in peaceful protest are being harmed by their violent 'compatriots'. It makes complete sense for the police to be trying to protect people and property from the destruction that happens when these protests go from being nonviolent to violent.

 It is certainly unfortunate that imposing a curfew curtails peaceful protest as well as violent protest, but I think that in light of the danger posed by the violent protestors, it is a fair sanction. I wish that the police did not have to impose the curfew by violent means, but shots and molotov cocktails from violent protestors often leave them with no choice. At the same time, it remains a fine line to toe. Was the curfew actually necessary? How much violence were these violent protestors actually initiating, and did the responding force of the police actually match the initial force of the protestors? Again, like the case of Mike Brown itself this remains to be a grey area, hard to prove one way or another based on heavily biased eyewitness accounts, from both sides. 

- - Sunday, August 10, 2014

Coffee through your veins like a mirage of pumping lucidity. Rich and deep and nutty and smooth, all at the same time. It's those little moments; coffee so hot it scalds my tongue, so I must spit it back into the cup; I salivate from the bitter shock, the pain, so that when I spit back into the cup, I drool onto the floor. This crazy gelatinous material is the consistency of Triton-X; which is a detergent I use in the lab, that is made of molecules in intricately folding, sharp-cornered stacks; perhaps a clean hexagonal ring here or there, to bind everything together. But where is my spit forged? In cells in glands in this cyclical, circular little machine that is my body, weaving together all little parts of nature, like the ribbon of gold and peach that wove through cream clouds yesterday, hiding and emerging in a coy attempt to seduce the dusk. Pumping out the little geometric proteins, molecules that adhere to each other so, form thick clear globules that coat my tongue, my food, your lips; allow me to seek nourishment from the things I eat, to turn it into more of myself; newer versions of myself, in perpetual repetition. This game of copy-making, of miniature constant 3-D printing, is life: growth, and sustenance in the most basic material sense of the word. 

- - Saturday, August 02, 2014

Few things bring satisfaction quite like
Hard work, or solid food,
The cold turn of meat,
Soft bread so thick that it
Muffles your laughter.

Few things disappoint like a lover
Who feels your longing
And then disappears from the corners of your eyes.

Like a stolen kiss in the darkness,
Because you don't want anyone to see.

Like love made quiet
In your parents basement.
I can't contain my passion you're
Looking at me like you're concerned
Someone's going to wake up?
Ask me if I care. 

- -

This is a suburban dream;
Painted in dripping sun,
Like a thick yellow miracle.

Our valley is quiet,
Perhaps even shy;
Or some would say reserved because
When you crack her open, her secrets pour out.

Mostly treasures, like the
Thick, loping clouds that fill our
Soaring, muted skies, our
Temerous hearts, with whirling flights of fancy.

Against her heart cling wet
Miracles like morning sunshine,
Clean and sweet from the wash.
Aged film colors, sepia and peach
Grace our eaves, warm our quiet streets.

From here you look out, and you
Cannot see. The horizon is a dense
Fortress of purple and black creases
Inviting you to look beyond, but forbidding
Your heart from hopeless wandering,
And endless wondering.

A flat horizon begs
The heart where the eyes cannot drift, dulled
By the congruity of land and sky,
Infinite in losses and joy because

These thoughts are trapped in places,
In valley floors, with cold, inverted pollution,
In buildings where you made love and laughed,
And stared at strong backs
With seeping, aching want.

With no containing walls, like a deluge I feel
The world rush and roar, the past is so cradled
In these valley mothers, in their curling palms.

The Shenandoah hills in one hand,
Towering Rockies in another;
Separated by six hours in a metal tube, gazing over
Perfect geometric figures in the awful, garish cornucopia colors of a
Holiday Inn carpet.

Separated in time, in space,
In my heart not coincident;
Separate as their horizons, which never fuse,
Graced by ancient light, by a fickle heavenly muse. 

- -

She walks in the shadow of God,
Red Earth crunching beneath her shoes
Unsteady, tromping, coaxing
Soft exhales of baking sand from the hills
Worn at the corners, creasing up from the valley floor
Like a smile shooting straight from the heart.

Around each bend rests
A quiet thought; where pain melts into
Memory, and love into song.

Against the crease of these hills,
Rough Earth on her tongue, grating calm
Against her limbs, every ache numbed
By a heaving breath,
A heavy numbness settles
Against the valley hearth.

Something shattered becomes something
Scattered, in soft winds mulled
Like warm wine.
Sweetened on the veins, the channels
Criss crossing the skin down her spine,
The creases behind her palms
Pressed in prayer, align.


I need sleep, coffee, and a run.


Let people into your life :)


Just kidding


I just want a minute to sit and break down About ...
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Fuck tha police? Really?
Coffee through your veins like a mirage of pumpin...
Few things bring satisfaction quite like Hard wor...
This is a suburban dream; Painted in dripping sun...


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