Latest Piercing Rage: Tongue Splitting

It's called tongue splitting and involves slicing the tongue right down the middle to create a forked look. Those who do it, call it body modification. Many others call it body mutilation.

Either way, it's not for the squeamish.

Why would anyone split his or her tongue? The Associated Press interviewed several people who did it, and there were three reasons typically cited:

  • The shock value is enormous.
  • Some actually find the experience spiritual.
  • They just like the way it looks and feels.

While tongue splitting is edging up in popularity, it's still relatively uncommon. By some counts, about 2,000 people worldwide have done it, but curiosity is growing fast.

AP interviewed 19-year-old James Keen, not pictured above (sry, i didn't want to gross you all out), and asked him why he did this. "When I first saw it, I thought tongue-splitting was the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life," he said. When he couldn't find a surgeon to do the deed, he enlisted a body piercer from his hometown, Scottsville, Kentucky. The cost? $500 with no anesthetic. "People are very curious about how it feels." Keen says he can move both sides of his tongue independently of the other.

What are the side effects? Infection from bacteria in the mouth is quite possible. In addition, tongue splitting almost always forces people to learn to speak all over again and typically causes a lisp that may not ever go away.

Meanwhile, some lawmakers are so outraged by the procedure they are using the power of their office to make it illegal. One such person is Illinois state Rep. David Miller from Chicago's south suburbs who has authored a bill that requires tongue-splitting to be performed only for medical reasons and only by a doctor or dentist. AP reports that the bill passed nearly unanimously in the Illinois House and is awaiting a vote in the Senate. Miller is fully aware of individual rights and personal freedom, but he told AP, "But I'm not sure the people getting this done understand the risks. We're choosing safety over cosmetics." Those who oppose the bill say it will only force people who want the procedure to go underground and that could mean unsafe conditions.

In addition to lawmakers' efforts to stop the trend before it really takes off, several branches of the armed services have banned the practice. The Air Force gave one young airman a choice: Get his tongue sewn back together or be kicked out the Air Force.


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

hey, i've seen this!!! isn't it gross!!! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT IT DONE?????????????


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

no idea, well, i dont think it should be against the LAW, you should be alowed to do what ever you want to your own body, but i highly disagree with it!

At 5:20 PM, Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

yuck!!!! that is really gross!!! it's kind of sad really....

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

it is kind of cool but i would NEVER EVER do it, i would hate having my tongue like that.... but it is kinda cool to have a snake like tongue, thats how voldemort should look!

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Ruthie said...

yah, I saw someone who had something like that in a book of weird things.... can't remember wat it was called... it was sick though.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

good point, i dont think it is wrong to show it to the public and talk about it though

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

oh yeah, i read your blog... it was interesting...

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

okaaaaay.... that was weird but its still true
the declaration says that "we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
(sry, I'm just kinda obsessed with rights and scholarly achievement. Hey, I didn't rank highest academic student in the entire state of UT for 2 yrs in a row for nothing. I blame my parents.)

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At 4:50 PM, Blogger Dryad said...


At 11:57 AM, Blogger Ruthie said...

hey what is it with these advertisers? If they really ARE serious about their so called "business", why are they sinking down so low as to go onto ppls sites instead of promoting their product SOMEWHERE ELSE?!!!!! in other words, (and this is directed at them just in case they read this) STOP POSTING YOUR STUPID ADVERTISEMENTS IN A PLACE WHERE EVERYBODY HATES THEM AND WIL PROBABLY HUNT YOU DOWN JUST TO GIVE YOU A KICK IN THE *SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Ruthie said...

okay, I know that was a bit dramatic but those darned ppls get on my nerves!!!!!!!!!

At 6:05 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

no, no, no- say 'Zuel meylo ona delado!' for more info, read my latest post. and i argree, they should shut up or do it somewhere else... i dont even read them


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