- Harry Potter fan hopes book will work its magic on Rowling - Sunday, July 03, 2005

A TEENAGE girl from America who wrote her own version of the latest Harry Potter book has made a pilgrimage to Edinburgh.

Natalie Jacobsen, 15, appeared on national television in the US after she spent a year writing her own 804-page take on the sixth installment of the popular series.

The youngster from Cornelius in Oregon made her first trip to Scotland this week to visit the hometown of Harry Potter's creator, JK Rowling. She is hoping to show the author her own version of the book.

The penultimate novel on the teenage wizard, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, hits bookshelves two weeks from today.

Natalie has read the previous five books 51 times, and insists she is "JK Rowling's biggest fan".

"I really love the books and I want to be an author when I'm older," she said. "I went to the London premiere of the last Harry Potter film to try to meet JK Rowling, but it didn't happen. So now I've come to Edinburgh and I really want to show her my book."

Natalie has had the novel specially bound, but is not selling it. In her version of the sixth book, evil Professor Snape is the mysterious Half-Blood Prince

- I want everyones' opinions on this...I think that this girl is a bit of a wannabe...I mean come on, who takes ideas, characters, and basically everything from another book, and uses it to create a book that they would claim their own.....it doesn't take much imagination or work to use what somebody else has already created, and tweak it in little ways. What Natalie J. did could be counted as plageurism too....


At 6:25 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

yah, i agree. that seems a little wrong. it's someone else's ideas and it's like, stealing them and taking the plot in ur own direction. as a writer, i would be a little offended and upset because the characters are my own!

the one and only undisterbed yamath

At 8:52 PM, Blogger tay said...

thats not cool, but think. how many things come from someone elses idea?

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that this girl is a bit OBSESSED. And, even though Rowling
might like
the book, all she will ever get is an autograph and a "thanks for being
my fan"
card. Yes, I agree with you about the wannabe part, and ANYONE could do
wat she did. I mean, COME ON. A real author doesn't take what someone
else wrote and copy from it. You have to be able to create your OWN plot
and characters and it's not only that. The way you describe everything,
you need a rich vocabulary and proper grammatic stuff. And, I hardly
belive that Natalie could produce a well written, top-notch book in A
YEAR. I have been writing my own book called "All by Chance" for over a
year and I'm only on my, like third draft of part one editing and
rewriting passages.
Oh, A message to all the people who wanna be authors: Don't waste your
time doing what she did. Come up with your own brilliant ideas so you
won't have to run to JK Rowling or whoever your favorite author is and
beg her to read it. Instead, other authors and such will come to YOU.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...


chica bonita

At 7:49 AM, Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

Definitely a wanna be j. k. rowling!!!!!


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