- grrr....I try too hard to rhyme stuff - Sunday, January 22, 2006

Do you know me?

I do not know.

Do you see me?

Or does our distance grow?

When I tell you.

Is it the truth?

Am I masking

What is uncouth?

Am I lying?

Day in and out.

Do you wish you

Could just figure it out?

So do I, my friend.

For I speak no truths.

And at my end

It will never change.

For I do not

Leave open my pages

For prying eyes, oh not

People of all ages.

I lie to you, my dear dear friend

Because I guard you from the horrors

What would I be without you?


I must keep alive my spirit.

I must challenge my mind

I must hide from you

The truth

It you never must find

I love you so

I hurt inside

To show you my totally

False side.

For when you talk to me

It is often me

Posing as another.

I could not stand to lose you

I MUST, you see, I MUST

My dear dear friend

It just cannot end

I speak no truths

I speak no evil

I hear no lies

Speak your heart?

So do you know me?

Do you think you do?

Or do I often

Lie to you?


At 1:59 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

I am pissed.

you are lying.


now what?

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually i only lie to my parents. a few weeks ago I told them the HUGEST...oh god...

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

lol. like im going to tell you.jk. whatever

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...


if you're not telling her, you're telling me.


At 9:02 AM, Blogger Dryad said...


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

It's a really long story. the lie cushioned a TON of hard points. phew. that is one i'm glad i told otherwise i doubt id be alive now.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...


At 6:03 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...


At 2:34 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

oh fine.
SO one soccer practice i was about to leave, and my coach picked up my sweatshirt, thinking it belonged to this girl that had already left. i didn't know she had until she had left with it, and i was too late to track her down. the whole rest of the next week she wasn't able to get the coat to me.
that sucked, becuase the coat pocket had my student ID card, which i had to have in order to get a bus pass to ride trax with. so i couldn't get my bus pass the whole week. they usually don't check for passes on trax, but i bought tickets the whole week anyways, but on friday i sort of forgot. and then ellie was like: they're checking! you should buy a ticket! so i ran off as fast as i could to try and by a ticket but i was unsuccesful and the train left w/ o me, but it had all my stuff on it! luckily, i had my cell, so i called ellie and asked her to put my stuff in a tree at the trax stop for when i got out of the next train, 15 mins later.i was hoping my mom wouldn't be there when the stuff was in the tree. but i was unsuccesful, my mom saw the stuff in the tree, and got EXTREMELY mad and i had to tell this humongous lie about why i had to take the late trax and why my stuff was in a tree and why ellie was gone. i saved my butt with that one. oh god, if a single thing goes wrongand doesn't fit my lie i will be DEAD. but luckily its already been a month since and my parents don't even care about it now.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

okay. exactly WHAT did you tell them???

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...


At 2:01 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

I'll tell you when i feel like it....it's not that big a deal....anymore at least.

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

I don't give a crap. tell me!!


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